Refund policy
We have a 14-day return policy, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item to request a return. (If you choose "pick up in store", the time starts counting from when you received a notification).
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in perfect condition.
The product/s should not have been worn, used or washed. Returns will only be accepted if the products are returned fully intact with its original package and the original label still attached.
To start a return, please contact us at If your return is accepted, it is your responsibility to return the item/s to us. The customer will have to cover all the shipping charges. The customer also takes responsibility for any items lost during shipping when returning a product. Send your return to this address:
Mauritz Larsson
Gröndalsvägen 100
117 68 Stockholm
Please note that the product “Heavy Metal” (Aluminium Shelf) contains components with visible marks, scratches and blemishes. These are not defects and are not a valid reason to return the product.
You can also return the item/s in person to the above mentioned address.
When we receive your return we will check the condition of the item/s. If the return is approved you will be refunded. See Refunds below.
Any shipping charges that may incur when returning the products are on your/customers responsibility. You can always contact us for any questions regarding your return on the e-mail above.
The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item.
We will notify you once we’ve received and inspected your return, and let you know if the refund was approved or not. If approved, you’ll be automatically refunded on your original payment method as soon as possible, 30 business days at the latest after Superbad receives the item/s. Please remember it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund. Additional duties, taxes or any other charge you may have will not be refunded by Superbad.
Customer Service
If you have any questions please contact us at
Order Confirmation
When you place an order at Superbad you will automatically get an order confirmation. Superbad reserves against changes in stock levels and prices as a result of technical difficulties. As soon as the order is processed and shipped you will get a shipping confirmation and a tracking number.
Superbad's ambition is for the website to always be up and running, however we cannot guarantee this. Should we be unable to deliver in accordance with the terms in the confirmation of order, we will contact you and give you the opportunity to cancel the order. Due to colour settings of your computer, the colours of the products shown in the pictures on our website can differ from their actual colours. Superbad cannot be held responsible for any such discrepancy.
All prices in the Superbad web store are stated in SEK. The price of each product is stated excluding shipping cost but including Swedish VAT. All prices and offers remain valid as advertised from time to time. The price of a product displayed on the Site at the time the order is accepted will be honored.
Superbad accepts payment by Stripe / Paypal. The full payment is charged when the package is dispatched. Credit Card payment is made with our partner Stripe. All transactions are encrypted and secure.
The prices displayed include a 25% sales tax
which will be stated at checkout and in your receipt.
Last updated 24/11 2024